Tortuga Snorkeling Tour

Costa Rica Horizon > Experiences > Tortuga Snorkeling Tour

The Tortuga Snorkeling Tour is more than just an excursion; it’s an experience that will stay with you long after you leave. It’s the perfect blend of adventure, relaxation, and education, leaving you with unforgettable memories and a newfound appreciation for the underwater world.

Boat Ride Info: The boat ride to Tortuga Island takes approximately 20 minutes. During the journey, you’ll enjoy scenic coastal views and may spot some marine life. You’ll pass Playa Quesera and navigate through the Arco Iris, a naturally formed hole in a rock formation.

Snorkeling at Morteros Islands: Before reaching Tortuga Island, you’ll stop at the Morteros Islands for snorkeling. While Costa Rica’s Pacific coast doesn’t have extensive hard coral reefs, the volcanic rock reefs around these islands boast clear waters teeming with marine life. You might encounter goldfish, angelfish, porcupine fish, moray eels, needlefish, spotted eagle rays, and other tropical fish.

Tortuga Island Info: After snorkeling, you’ll head to Tortuga Island and visit Playa Tropical. 

Here, you can:

  • Swim in the warm waters
  • Relax on the white sand beach
  • Hike to the top of the island for panoramic views
  • Unwind in the shade of palm trees

While on Playa Tropical, you’ll be served fresh fruit and drinks.

Departure Times: We offer two departure time options:

  • Option 1: 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM
  • Option 2: 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Request a Quote and let us know if you would like to include transportation.

Diving into Costa Rica’s Underwater ParadisePura Vida! Your Guide to Exploring Beautiful Costa Rica!

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